8 June 2023


While reviewing some of the uploads I realized the dates were popping up that indicate the date I uploaded.
These do not reflect the actual dates as I have not been doing these updates daily !
I'll have to put the actual dates that the events happened on the submission from now on (I may forget to do this all the time ..)
As well, there was a pic missing on the submission about arriving in Baudette, MN.
It's below.

Next Stop …

Sent from my iPhone


Steinbach was a very nice town.
It seemed to be a very family oriented small town with beautiful family homes.

There was one restaurant though that I had a hard time resisting !

Route 12

So it's route 12 to Steinbach !
It was an easy road, very nice drive.
It was so straight at times that at one point a message came up on the dash flashing "Driver Attention is Low" 😂
Below are some pics of route 12.

Destination Steinbach, Manitoba

Once we crossed the border from Minnesota we were in ……

On the road again !

Well, when we left Fort Frances we decided to stay on Highway 11.
We could have taken a road up to Kenora, ON to the TCH but ….
So, we stayed on highway 11 that lead us to 

Staying on route 11 bought you to Rainey River, ON and the USA border. Across the border to Baudette, Minnesota and heading west, it's still route 11 !! Go figure.
So we followed that for about 45 minutes to Warrod, Minnesota until we came to a sign that said route 313, Canada 6 miles !
It was a nice easy drive. Mostly farming areas and a lot of fields with old (junked) cars. But a really nice area !

Across the River

Before we leave Fort Frances, I should mention that right down the centre of the river is the international border.
Iroquois Falls, Minnesota is on the other side of the river.
We didn't cross the bridge there but the trains going back and forth was something else!
There's a shunting yard in Iroquois Falls - you could hear them all night long !

Fort Frances

There was only one thing that confused me about the town !

Which are odd and which are even ?
Sunday is odd, but I like it.
Monday is a tough day, that's not odd

Fort Frances

Some random pics ….

The Tower

Yes, it 100' up ….
They must have used it to count the 'kingfishers'(? - I don't know the type of bird they are).
There are dozens camped out by the park.

Fort Frances,ON

What a neat town !
It's an old mill town, but laid back, quiet, well layed out, and a great place for a walk !

Highway 17

Well, it's time to take a break from Highway 17 !
We've been following it since we left Ottawa and it's treated us well, but as Bob Frost wrote, ….. 2 roads diverge into a woods ….. (if he didn't say it, I'll claim it !! Ha!)
And on we went, off the beaten path, down highway 11 ….. minimal cell coverage, minimal traffic, except for the odd pick-up that passed us, everyone of them towing an aluminum boat!

Kakabeka Falls

While at the Terry Fox Monument we visited the Info Centre.
The lady told us about this falls we had to go see along the way!
It's just west of Thunder Bay.

Terry Fox Memorial

Terry Fox Museum

Outside of Thunder Bay is the Terry Fox Memorial.
A tribute that is well worth the time to visit.
We both agreed it was one of the most appropriate and respectful monuments we had seen.

7 June 2023

Thunder Bay

Yes, we made it to Thunder Bay, on the shores of Lake Superior.
An older town, it's been around since the 1800's and the last stop on the Great Lakes for the freighter 'Lake Boats'
And it is a very outdoor oriented for sure !
It's certainly the hub of northern Ontario.

6 June 2023

Finally, Thunder Bay

We made it !
It was a good drive rom SSM.
Some interesting pics and stories of geese, gorges, wildlife and Cats !!
But now, Time to take a break !!


And just before Thunder Bay you pass by Nipigon and cross the Nipigon River.
What a cool bridge !

Terrace Bay

And remember Terrace Bay 261 kms from Wawa.
We just drove by the town but it looked quite nice !
And on the west side of town the is a sign that points to a gorge.
It's pretty misty !!

White River

And remember the sign a while back about White River, so many kms ahead.
Well, they forgot to mention the moose near White River !
In that area we saw 2 dead on the back of a flatbed tow truck on the side of the road, one running into the woods a ways ahead of us, and this guy who just crossed the road and stopped to look back at us !

Wawa, ON

Well, on the way we stopped into Wawa for a quick visit.
I don't know what the connection the town and geese have, but boy, they are everywhere !!

Highway Construction

Yes, along the way there was a lot of construction where they were twinning the highway.
At one point, we were stopped by a Flagman with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
As we waited (we were the 1st in line) he patted his front pants pocket, then his back pockets and finally his shirt pocket and you could see what was going through his mind - "….. damn, I don't have a light "
We checked to glove compartment, took out a new book of matches with "Lucky Cat" on them, and as the sign rotated to 'Slow' we rolled ahead held out the matches and said "need a light !?" Ahhahaha 🤣
"Thanks" he said as we drove away !!!!
I bet he's still looking at the book of matches laughing at the folks who gave him the "Lucky Cat Barbershop" in Dartmouth, NS !!!

(I could very well take the guys pic. The story is odd enough ! Ha! )

Off to Thunder Bay

The road was long again - about 8+ hrs - but some interesting pics along the way !!