25 July 2021

Back Home …

And finished it off (and my vacation) with a relaxing evening on the deck !!


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But the Next Day …

Yes, we made up for it with a beautiful ride thru the valley and a stop in Harbourville, NS

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Oh Boy !

After all, it couldn't rain like this another day in a row when we get day home !!!!

Haaa !!    Gotta love it !!!     It poured !!!

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Packing it Up !

Remember those cloudy days in Pugwash, well it didn't let anyone down !
It poured for the next day and a half !!
And, looking like to weather was better back home, we decided to pull up stakes !!

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Thinkers Conference 1957

What Pugwash may be most famous for though, was the Pugwash Conference of 1957 to discuss Science and World Affairs.
Hosted by Cyrus Eaton in his home town, it attracted world leaders and scientists from around to world.
An interesting read if you'd like to 'google' it.
As a side note to this, I work with a guy who's Grandfather hosted Raoul Castro (yes, of Cuba fame) right after the conference. Apparently the senior Mr Falkenham had a very successful cattle farm just outside Lunenburg.
Subsequent to this visit, Nick's Grandfather ended up shipping cattle to Cuba !!
…aw, a random piece of info I just happened to stumble on through a chat ….

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Quotable Quotes

Along the waterfront park in Pugwash there are a couple of interesting plaques.
And each is completed with a little wisdom for all.

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Pugwash, NS

It was a cloudy day heading toward Pugwash. 
The beginning of much rain the next couple of days.

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The Ferry Terminal

The terminal has seen it's day and stands in disrepair.
But there are folks out fishing off the wharf or strolling along the waterfront.

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Cape Tormentine, NB

Next up of the visits was Cape Tormentine.
This is where the ferry to PEI came in before the Confederation Bridge.
What a beautiful beach !
With the bridge to PEI in the background !!

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Fort Gaspareaux

Just after Basie Verte is Fort Gaspareaux.
It goes back to the 1700s, between the ….. you can read the plaque below.
The most unique thing about the area - the sign saying no metal detectors !!
But a nice area just the same !!

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Stopped at another day park in Baie-Verte.
The community profile was read after we got back - too long a read standing there !!

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Day Trips

We took off each day for a little excursion to check out the area and stopped at some day parks and sites

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Coleman Stove Breakfast

But like Brisket, you can't beat a camp breakfast on the Coleman stove in a park !!

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This was after a weekend home and a fine plate of smoked brisket, Mac and cheese, slaw, corn bread … boy it was good …

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Amherst Shores,NS

Following a couple of days in the valley exploring the Bridgetown, Annapolis Royal and Digby area we headed to the Northumberland Strait area of the province. 
We parked the trailer at the Amherst Shores Provincial Park. A really nice place to stay.

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