14 July 2021

Annapolis Royal,NS

Both Bridgetown and Annapolis Royal are beautiful, relaxing towns !

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Sinclair Inn Museum

A pretty interesting place to visit.
Check out the original wall construction and the historic timelines.
You may have to click the picture and zoom in.

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Bridgetown, NS

Out first week of vacation  2021 we decided to head to the valley.
We've had our 2nd shot and the rules are relaxing with Covid getting pushed back.

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Halifax Waterfront

They've certainly done a great a great job with the boardwalk at the waterfront……or that's what some was thinking…..maybe ????

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Sheet Harbour,NS

Last week we when for a little drive along the Eastern Shore.
While in Sheet Harbour you could see an oil rig in the distance.
They are taking it apart at the local industrial park - yes, it's a marine park ! Ha!
Further along we spotted the old boat. It looks like something out of a Farley Mowart novel (god bless those who could get from cover to cover with one of his novels ! I couldn't…ha)

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