7 August 2018

....and Home again...

It was a great trip.
And I do believe it was enjoyed (and appreciated) by all.
Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. Thanks Karen.

I know I've sat back a thought about it a couple of times....like another couple I know....on a park bench...overlooking the water & a beach....

And I'm NOT going to forget the ride home....
Someone in the backseat pipes up and says " ya know Mick, we should go to St Anthony next year. I've never been all the way up the Northern Peninsula !"

Haaaa !!

And Karen laughs & says...."I think we're going to St Anthony next year..."

What a week.

Beach Time !!

Who needs Florida, Jamaica, Cuba....go to Lumsden, NL !!

Our Last Stop on the way home....

Guns 'N Roses

Remember the song, November Rain, by Guns & Roses ?

Well, I found the church !!!

I'm not telling you where, that would be no fun. But again, go down those side roads on the Gander Bay Loop !!!

(....funny thing, there was a dark completion guy with long black hair, kinda like an afro,
holding a guitar out on a stoop at a house close by........naww, it couldn't be....)

Well we might as well do the Gander Bay Loop

Why not !
It's along the way !!
Gander Bay Loop is beautiful, especially if you take all the little side roads to the smaller communities....that's when you really see it....
and you never know what you find.

Pools Cove....it was amazing. A little Island connected by a bridge from another little island connected by a bridge....
This is Newfoundland !
...and for god's sake, don't go tellin people about it...the tourist will start comin !

What a beautiful piece of tranquility.

Some pics for your viewing.

Speed Bump

Of course no trip would be complete without seeing a Moose on the Highway.
This was our 4th by the time the trip was over....2 were alive....2..were not.
You do have to watch out for moose.

This ole girl stood on the highway and looked at us for a minute before she decided to leave.

....but we're not done yet....

.....Nope, after another night in Clarenville.....they want to head to ....Eastport. Yes Sandy Cove (or Beach)

.....it was an awesome couple of days ....

....St John's....Signal Hill...Fort Amherst...then on to Swift Current to see "Vernon's Toybox'....then on to Trinity....Bonavista and the Bonavista Loop....
And....time to take a break from seeing Iceberg Alley with a nice cold .....

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6 August 2018

More Bonavista pics

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Bonavista, NL

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Trinity Bay, NL

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Swift Current, NL

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Fort Amherst, NL

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In April 2018 it was the time for


The last stand for the "palm" tree

And or course, more snow

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What a week !

Signal Hill with mom and Dad !

“You got your picture I’m going” he says !
Don’t know what the problem was - July 1st, 8 degrees, windy and rainy on Signal Hill !

What a pic !

St. John’s harbour !

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Canada Day in NL

Having a coffee in Grand Falls

Enjoying the scenery and company in Point Lemington

Point Lemington

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