16 August 2014


Jim Beam Tour

The Sinkhole

Corvette Museum

Aw, the plan (August 16th)

After we found and checked into a hotel last night I asked the guy at the desk if the Corvette Museum is open, since the sinkhole a couple of years ago. Sure is he told us, in fact, since the sinkhole they decided to leave the hole there in the middle of the building as attendance has gone up 60% since the incident. The museum opens at 8:00 he said !

To be honest, I'm not that much of a corvette fan, but, hey, I'm here, it's here.....

Attached are some cool pics of some cars and a few of the sinkhole and the cars that went down in it. Apparently they plan to leave them the way they are.

Following the museum tour it was time to head an hour and half up the road to Bardstown, KY, voted the most beautiful town in America 2 years ago. And, just 20 minutes up the road from Bardstown, there is another little town called Clermont that just happens to be where there is a distillery.

Yes, Jim Beam Distillery, the biggest bourbon distillery in the USA. Apparently, 90% of all bourbon is made in the USA and Jim Beam makes over 50% of all that is made in the US. (They also make Canadian Club, some Makers Mark....).

It was a tour that was well worth it - bourbon fan or not. You were taken through the facility, explained the process, shown the mashing area, fermentation, processing, bottling, testing (and we could) area, and the storage area warehouse. We saw 1 warehouse, there were 72, holding over 1.8 million charred white oak barrels with product in it! Note the picture. The warehouse, and the stacked wooden barrels, and the rotation they go through, it is amazing....

I even managed to pick up some sample for when we get home....

All in all it was a pretty good day.....

I'll send another couple of blogs with some pictures of the corvette museum, Jim Beam And of course Bardstown !

Elvis has Left the Building

Well, actually, Karen and I have left. I think Elvis and all his impersonators are still there. Especially this week because it's Elvis week in Memphis. He died on August 16 th. (By the way, we left yesterday, Aug 15, I'm a day late with the blog!).

We headed out to get to Clarkesville, TN, (remember the song....."...catch the laast train to Clarkesville and I'll meet you at the station....). It was a day of corn fields, cotton fields, more corn fields and even more cotton fields, lots of them. It was a nice backroad state highway - 55 to 45 mph and a great day on bike along highways 48 and 70. We passed through Paris, Milan (where stopped for a burger at Burger King along the road and the lady said, 'I'm going to make you folks my customer of the day, lunch is on me!' Go figure !! ), Humbolt and Brownsville.

Once we got to Clarkesville, it was only 4:00 (we didn't leave until about 10:30), so, I suggested, let's keep going to Bowling Green, it's only an hour up the road ! and off we went.....(there was a plan in mind !)

15 August 2014

Beale St entertainment

B B King's on Beale Street

This was our supper entertainment

Memphis Bike night

Mud Island in Memphis August 14 th,

Here you see the entrance, one small piece of the river display, a plaque of the islands intent, and some history of the Mississippi and Memphis.

Memphis Waterfront

Memphis around town

Main Street and a fountain, the fed ex bldg, home of the grizzlies, and some misc bldg graphics